Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Yes! Chef Sharon is cooking.  She made chocolate fudge brownies which she called Surprise Muffins, this morning.  She added her own ingredient, hence the surprise, and made her own recipe. Her official birthday was today.  6 years old!  She received her own cooking spoons, cups, spatula, muffin tins and bamboo cutting board for her birthday.  She was so excited that she asked from 7pm after the party until bed and first thing in morning if she could make muffins.  So we had "muffins" for breakfast courtesy of tenacious Chef Sharon. She also received a Chef hat which you will see sooooon.  Every birthday, dad takes the birthday girl out for dinner and possibly a movie.  Tonight Sharon and dad went to see the "Smurfs".  Afterwords, they went to McDonald's and she got a Chef Smurf from her happy meal! She was sparkling with joy, happiness and satisfaction.   If you ever watch a young girl walk she doesn't really just walk.  It's usually a couple skips and hops and possibly a jump before she gets to her destination.  I want to capture that natural joy they have in their beings.  I think I'll trying skipping and hopping with my walk today.
"How can there be too many children? That's like saying there are too many flowers."  Mother Theresa

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