Sunday, August 14, 2011


......when you're having fun!  We have had a Fun Fun week.  We visited friends, and family.  On Wednesday we left for Denver to see family and friends.  The favorite activity in Denver that my kids always ask to do is the Apex.  This is a recreation center that costs around as much as the admission to our local pool but far more fun.  It's a mini water park in our opinion.  2 slides, floating log crossing, current pool, little kid pool complete with fountains slides, tunnels.  Mom's favorite part is the warm pool that allows little ones to enter after catching a chill.  That same afternoon we were introduced to the most awesome park I have ever been to.  This is the old fair grounds in Loveland.  The turned it into a park with a splash pad, toddler playground (under a gazebo), big kids playground (with equipment that was all new to us), and a river that they set up with an area to wade your feet in or take a dip.  WAY COOL!  We ended the week back in Delta visiting great granny and poppa.  What a priviledge to live so close to them.  Sharon has recorded yet another cooking show!!  Where are they you say?  Stay tuned so you don't miss their post!  Speaking of cooking, tonight we used our new toy, The Baby Bullet.  I purchased this to make Tobias, my 7 month old, baby food. We started by grinding brown rice and blending bananas.  I now have 6 servings in the freezer.  He shuddered at his first taste but tried a few more before becoming more interested in banging the spoon on the table than the food itself.  He's also extending his bed time so dad is in trying to put him to sleep so I can blog. 

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