Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Just Do It...

Well I did.  I decided to start a blog and post Sharon's cooking love into a show.  I knew it wouldn't be perfect and I knew I would have a few glitches.  BUT THIS IS RIDICULOUS.  I used a program that had better sound than the first show and it is now trapped in media impressions for Kodak.  I can't seem to convert it to wvm or even use the upload to YouTube feature.  I have been working on this far too long.  Time to put another one out there and skip arc software, not user friendly for me.  Today was right up there on the top of my to do list - NOT.  I spent two hours in Home Depot with 4 small children.  We did get materials to build a baby gate that will match the banister and new shower head for the upstairs shower. When I look at all that wood and see all those latches I don't really see anything, LOL.  Did find some flashlights for a birthday gift that Shoshana was going to today, however.  Good thing we found them at Home Depot because we had no time to go anywhere else.  Hoping to go camping this week or next, we'll see.  Part of that trip was to visit Granpa.  Turns out he has no running water at the moment.  The laughter bellows in my gut as I think of no bathroom with 3 girls, me and a 7 month old.  Sometimes though, you just have To Do It!

1 comment:

  1. Ok, you are correct, something is making this way too hard. 7-yr olds shoot video and add text, menus and effects without even knowing how to spell those words. You need software that fits your needs, I will report back.

    p.s. Everytime I am in home depot I think about the apolocolyptic movies and how come they never show anyone fighting over the last toilet seat or anything. Now I know why... no water! (thank you)

    Home Depot sells rope. (chuckle)
